Tuesday, 2 February 2016

See ya around 2015

A few images from 2015 and some thoughts on possibilities for 2016

When I look back at 2015 I had a lot of fun, it seems I let every spark of inspiration grow into a fire storm. Currently I am thinking 2016 will be more focused with fewer perhaps more intense adventures, ah not really, I am just going to do everything I can when I can.  We only get one go around and why waste it? Many of the photos below relate to past blog posts, if you scroll down through the page you can find the related stories and others.

Actif Epica, flat bitterly cold, at -41

From an "All Areas" mountain bike ride around Campbell River ended up with over 90k

The Rail Ride, never have so many told me I was crazy, I tried it anyway, my back is still sore.
Hanging the bike from a branch, to fix rear flat on a solo ride
There were a bunch of "overnight" rides with fire

There was another trip around Mt Hood Staying in The Cascade Huts
Beer fueled bush short cut near Government Camp Oregon
Take the road less traveled. Near Campbell River BC
Fort Rock Oregon during Oregon Outback
I rode pavement in Italy
I rode dirt in Italy
I rode in the rain in Italy  
I rode in the sun in Italy
I rode in the snow in Italy
Fishing at Mirror Lake
As I sifted through photos from this past year to assemble this post, I was struck by how much I had actually done, and by how much I still want to do. I am so stoked to adventure in 2016, cycling will obviously continue to be a big part but we will see some run and possibly swim adventures added in!
Ever heard of swim touring?